The American actor Michael C Hall, most known for his role as the psychopath killer analyst in the critically acclaimed show Dexter, has received glowing feedback for his support of Bangladesh.
The actor has launched a limited edition T-shirt line in order to raise money for the Rongdhonu Friendship Hospital. Hall is an ambassador for Friendship, an NGO that helps those living in poverty in the remote parts of Bangladesh. These people die from easily prevented diseases and infections due to their inability to see a doctor. In addition, climate change has severely affected the water surrounded area, destroying homes, schools and more. As such, the Rongdhonu Friendship Hospital, which is actually a ship, travels to these far flung regions that were previously inaccessible in order to deliver care and aid.

The t-shirt line launched by Hall reads “Power-Saw to the People” and will see all proceeds go towards the Rongdhonu Friendship Hospital. Hall previously starred in a documentary called Years of Living Dangerously, in which he visited the boat and its patients.
He said, “I’m finally here in southern Bangladesh. There’s so much water in this part of the country that boats are the main way to get around. As I make my way through southern Bangladesh, what I’m seeing is hard to take in – half submerged trees, houses built on stilts to keep them above the rising water.”
“There’s something apocalyptic and otherworldly about it all. I came across a family whose home was perched on the edge of a riverbank which literally washed away in the night. Now, they are searching for another place to live. And a few days into my trip, I see one of the most surreal things I’ve ever seen. A floating hospital!
“As I tour the boat, I’m struck by all unforeseen impacts climate change can have. But I’m also amazed by how resilient these people are. How hard they are trying to hang on to their lives here. It makes me wonder how much people can adapt.”