Amazon Interfaith 2016 Christmas Advert Is a Viral Hit.


While people have been waiting anxiously to see the new Christmas adverts from different stores and department, such as John Lewis and Marks & Spencer, Amazon quietly released their very own 2016 advert.

Following the story of two old friends, one being an Imam and the other a Vicar, we get to amazon2watch the two elderly men enjoy a cup of tea and each others company. This then continues on to letting the viewers see how they have both ordered one another a present after complaining about knee pain. Amusingly enough, they both had the same thought and bought each other the same gift, being knee pads. The men are then shown in their different places of worship, a Mosque and a Church, both down on their knees praying and wearing the knee pads.

While this advert showed no direct signs of Christmas such as Santa or Christmas trees, it did send us a message of what Christmas should really be about: being selfless.

Amazons advertising director, Simon Morris, has said that they decided to opt for actualamazon4 people rather than actors for the Christmas ad. After getting help from the Church of England, the Muslim Council of Great Britain and the Christian Muslim Forum, they decided on using a real life Imam and Vicar.

The advert starring Little Venice Vicar Rev Gary Bradley and Imam Zubeir Hassam, has now gone viral and has been viewed over 1 million times. The success of the advert has caused many to take to social media to express their love for the advert.

Simon Morris has explained, ‘’We think it is a legitimate story. We are conscious that some people may be sensitive to it. It is about selflessness and thinking of other people.’amazon3

Also, adding why they went to such lengths to speak to many people for this idea, ‘We wanted it to do well and be respectful to the religions that are featured in it.’

Although it may not follow the conventional ideas of a Christmas advert, it is still one that tugs on our heart strings and reminds us all that this festive season is a time to show loved ones that we care.

Pictures are all copyright from Amazon.


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