Birmingham Motorists to Pay for Park Pollution?

Proposed idea would see pollution fuelling motorists pay towards protection of parks

King's Heath Park, Birmingham. Credit: Joe CmdrGravy

Motorist commuters into Birmingham may soon be made to pay a fine in order to protect and maintain Birmingham’s parks. Seeing as motorists enter the city and promote air pollution, they contribute to the detriment of the city’s parks and greenery.

Birmingham currently has an astounding 591 parks.The fine would help protect these areas from pollution as well as cut down on congestion.

Solihull MP Julian Knight has denounced the idea, saying: “The idea that other parts of the combined authority area should pay for Birmingham parks is plain wrong.”

Councillor Lisa Trickett, one of the proposed plan’s advocates and Cabinet Member for Clean Streets, Recycling and Environment, said: “it is quite often the people living in the shires who drive their cars into my city for employment that creates some of the air pollution.”

The increased income could help stave off the effects of park budget cuts, which will see children’s play areas reduced, maintenance reduce and the introduction of car parking charges at a number of different parks.

However not all are keen. Mr Knight said: “Motorists already pay huge sums through their road and other taxes. This flight of fancy…is more about Birmingham city council thrashing around for extra money.” He added:

“Instead, Labour in Birmingham should be joining with me in trying to come up with a co-ordinated strategy to deal with the constant traveller incursions of our public spaces throughout the West Midlands.”



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