Love Thy Neighbour- Unless You’re A Brummy

Study reveals Birmingham has the highest number of neighbourly disputes in the entire country

Credit Nigel Mykura

According to a study by Co-op Insurance, Brummies officially make the worst neighbours in the UK. A survey revealed that Birmingham has the most next-door neighbour disputes of any other city.

A quarter of Brummies have been embroiled in neighbourly spats in the last year alone and a whopping 1 in 8 from Brum city have even moved just to escape their nuisance neighbours! The Co-op study also shows that 44% of disputes remain unresolved, leading to simmering resentment and grudges between households.

A survey of 2000 people showed that these neighbourly feuds revolve around everything from noise to parking, pets to kids and even messy gardens.

James Hillon from Co-op Insurance says:

“The research shows as a nation we’re at risk of losing the community spirit we once prided ourselves on.

“Communities are valuable as they allow people to interact with each other, share experiences and develop valued relationships. Without communities, we’re in danger of living isolated lives.

“As our lives become ever busier and we spend more time engaged with technology- TV, the internet and social media- it seems we are becoming ever more distant from our closest neighbours.

“As a nation we need come together, lose the British stiff upper lip and engage with our neighbours, who in time may become friends.”


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