Aldi Introduces More Jobs

Aldi plan to build a large supermarket in Great Barr, creating 40 new jobs.


Aldi are hopeful to bring a 17,200 sq ft outlet to Old Horns Crescent near Asda and have now submitted their application for a formal bid to Birmingham City Council.

Planning documents announce the new shop will be a contemporary design and state: “Aldi have adapted their design philosophy in recent years to reflect the importance now given to good design in government planning policy and to consolidate the image of the company as an innovative, high quality retailer.

“Aldi’s building design is now more flexible in its approach, seeking to achieve an appropriate compromise between the retention of corporate identity and trading profile, the desire to create stimulating modern buildings and the need for environmental design.

“The entrance is to have a large glazed shopfront and canopy providing focus to the main elevation.

“The illuminated canopy also provides a covered area over the trolley store and bicycle stands.”

The store is anticipated to generate around 40 jobs.


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