Be Healthier in 2016


Well-being Expert Shares Her Top 5 Tips For A Healthier 2016

What does it meant to have an amazing life? Is it the dream job, the perfect partner or the beautiful dream home? Surely it is a combination of some of this but ultimately it is down to good health. Health really is wealth, without it we will fail to experience the special moments that touch our souls and make life the amazing journey that it can be. You can have this in 2015 by following these healthy habits to heal your life and be the best healthiest version of you.


Mindfulness.  Try and practice mindfulness daily, just 5-10 minutes a day can have a huge impact on your wellbeing giving you a positive outlook. Life is much brighter when we are smiling and at peace and living from moment to moment rather than being stuck in fear or anger. Getting stuck in such negative emotions is the biggest stumbling block to experiencing good health and vitality.

Practice acts of kindness, they are a super power for your brain and mood. Research shows that your brain releases endorphins, your own natural feel good, happy pills. These chemicals relax your nervous system helping you to feel less anxious, stressed or low. The warmth you experience when being kind is the release of the “emotional bonding” hormone called oxytocin, this dilates your blood vessels lowering your blood pressure. Kindness doesn’t have to be massive gestures; the smallest acts can energise you and bring happiness to others.  If you are blessed to have parents or grandparents, make it a priority to see them life is never that busy to show gratitude to them.

Keep growing. You know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? Go and do them. Dream big, explore new territory and don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith and follow your heart’s calling. When we are stuck in unhappy situations, jobs or relationships stress will be in abundance and you will get ill. Get rid of anything that does not serve you and be true to yourself.



Visit an acupuncturist who will treat you for existing conditions and also provide you with preventative care to boost your wellbeing and immunity. You will also get holistic lifestyle recommendations to bring you more peace and balance. Its very relaxing and worth investing in your health.  You will learn how to tune into and listen to the wisdom of your body. If you are worried about needles, let me assure you they are incredibly fine and there are other ways to access your energy if you are really needle phobic.

Start your day with a glass of warm water and a slice of lemon. Do not underestimate the power of this simple action that originates in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has many health benefits ranging from treating constipation, aiding weight loss to boosting immunity and clear skin. Ideally use the juice of half a lemon and water at room temperature as cold water can extinguish your digestive fire.


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