The Big Iftar 2015


Campaign Launched for ‘Community Iftari’

Communities Secretary Greg Clark launched 2015’s The Big Iftar at a celebratory event at the Ismaili Centre in London.


The Big Iftar is an entirely volunteer-led project where mosques, churches, synagogues, community centres and schools invite the community to join the fast-breaking meal during Ramadan, called the ‘iftar’.


At the launch hosted by the UK Ismaili community, 160 people, from all faiths and none, were treated to a meal in anticipation of the community iftars to come during Ramadan.


At the event, Communities Secretary Greg Clark said, “During Ramadan British Muslim communities will once again demonstrate their generosity and openness through The Big Iftar – where people from all backgrounds and faiths will come together to break bread and make new friendships.


“Britain’s diverse faith communities make a huge contribution to our society and I’d urge everyone to find out how they can get involved to bring their own neighbourhoods closer together.”


The Big Iftar was launched in 2013 to help explain the Islamic faith and to bring communities of all faiths closer together. Last year, more than 114 Big Iftar events took place across the country with events including popular flash mob Iftars at accessible venues such as public parks and markets.


This year Ramadan begins 18 June and will continue for 30 days until 17 July. So far more than 100 Big Iftar community events are scheduled to take place around the country.


Anyone wanting to get involved in hosting an Iftar can do so by visiting The Big Iftar website.  


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