Happy Vaisakhi


Issue 197

Welcome to the April issue of The Asian Today and Happy Vaisakhi! Wow, fourth month of 2015 already? That was definitely quick, but on a positive note, it’s spring!


Packed in issue 197 is a special General Election feature giving you what to expect on May 7th. Along with that, celebrating the occasion of Vaisakhi, we bring you 6-page feature to tell you all events that are taking place in the next couple of weeks. Exciting times!


Included in 197 is the introduction of Haqiqah magazine, the extraordinary fundraising attempts of 11-year-old Huzaifah Valli. Along with this, you can find in our DesiXpress supplement, packed gossip, interviews and entertainment news.


Our sports section bring you all the reaction to the ICC Cricket World Cup along with a interview with current European karate champion, Ruqsana Bequm.

As always, keep up to date with the latest in news, via the website, Twitter and Facebook.



Until next time,



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