Peshawar Survivor Seeks Treatment At QE


Youngster will undergo surgery to save his injured arm

A survivor of the Peshawar school attack is set to arrive in Birmingham this evening in order to receive specialist medical treatment at a city hospital.

Ahmed Nawaz, aged fifteen, was a student at the Army Public School when the school came under siege by Taliban gunmen in an attack which left 150 people dead. The massacre, which took place on December 16 last year, saw 132 students of the school gunned down within minutes.

One of the victims of the attack, Ahmed survived the atrocity in which he sustained serious injuries to his left arm.

The Pakistani Government confirmed last month that it would organise treatment abroad if deemed necessary for the year nine pupil with reports suggesting that £200,000 had been put aside to cover expenses.

It is expected that the youngster will undergo a surgical procedure at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Selly Oak.


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