One Year Anniversary


Walsall networking organisation celebrates first year in style!

Walsall-based business networking organisation In Touch With Walsall celebrated its first birthday with a glittering black-tie event in the prestigious surroundings of the town’s premier car dealership Mercedes-Benz of Walsall who are members of the #ITWW family.

The showroom, normally full of gleaming luxury vehicles, was transformed by #ITWW members for the evening into a high-end nightclub with live entertainment, LED illuminated dance floor, sleek silver tables and chairs and subtle lighting.

Everybody dressed to the nines to celebrate an action-packed first year of activity.

Founder and Director, Ali Mahmood said, “I am very humbled and proud of what we’ve achieved in a very short time – we have 80 members and we’re growing fast, bringing local businesses together so they can grow and support each other.”

The black-tie affair was attended by VIPs HW the Deputy Mayor of Walsall, Cllr Angela Underhill, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Cllr Mohammed Nazir and Professor Gatrad OBE, Deputy Lieutenant of Her Majesty The Queen and Freeman of Walsall to name but a few.

Deputy Mayor Underhill said of the celebration, “The evening was thoroughly enjoyable and the entertainment was brilliant. Ali himself is entertaining and larger than life. His personality shines through, we look forward to joining him at his next event.”

Professor Gatrad added, “Business regeneration schemes in Walsall need people with ‘effervescent’ personalities, like Ali, to spearhead and lead from the front. With continued success, and local involvement of more and more business, Walsall will truly become a vibrant borough”

Cllr Nazir added, “I would like to congratulate Ali and In Touch With Walsall on their first anniversary.

“As regeneration portfolio holder, I am keen to support businesses that are helping to create job opportunities for people in Walsall.”


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