

The Hotly Anticipated Film of the Year by Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachan

Starring Amitabh Bachchan, Dhanush and Akshara Haasan, Shamitabh has just received it’s worldwide release. A film about a crazy boy from a small village who becomes a superstar with the help of an alcoholic’s deep baritone voice. The story is about this team shrouded in mystery, two different people who become one for a cause and then allow their egos to get the better of them.

Director R Balki created the story as a gift for the veteran actor on his 70th birthday, and has spent the past two years brining his vision to life. Amitabh speaks highly of the director, “Whenever Balki comes across with an idea he always comes up with something unique and different and refreshing. And this one was no different,” he explained. “I thought it was a very novel idea. It’s a thought or a plot that hasn’t been seen before or written before. That was the excitement. Of being involved in yet another film with Balki who always thinks out of the box.”

Our star is played by Dhanush, a national award winning actor and the voice is provided by the legendary Amitabh Bachchan, one of India’s biggest superstars. The storyline makes the immense and immediately recognisable voice of Bachchan the highlight of the film. “This film is a homage to a voice that over the past 40 years has become instantly recognisable the world over. The question is…who is the true star, the voice or the actor it belongs to.

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