Charity Launches Awards for Disabled Community


Nominations Open for Include Me TOO National Community Inspiration Awards

A national disabled charity has launched an award ceremony aimed at the Black and Ethnic minority communities. Established in 2002 Include Me TOO have gone on to work locally, regionally and nationally profiling disabled children and young people as integral members of society with equal rights. The prestigious Include Me TOO National Community Inspiration Awards celebrate and recognise the inspirational disabled children, young people and their families from grass root communities. They are set to provide a national platform to increase awareness and understanding amongst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities in regards to disability.


Role models, community champions, the personal journeys and achievements will be honoured at the award ceremony whilst Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic disabled children, young people and their families will be honoured for their strength, courage, compassion, determination and achievements.


Nomination categories are:

Child & Young Person of Courage

Child & Young Person of Friendship

Child & Young Person of Sport

Child & Young Person Creative Arts Achievement

Child & Young Person Education Achievement

Inspirational Young Persons award (19 – 25)

Inspirational Mother of the Year

Inspirational Grandparent/s of the year

Inspirational Father of the Year

Recognition Community Award of the year

Child & Young Person Brother/Sister (Carers)

Recognition of Professional support

Founder and Executive Director of Include Me TOO, Parmi Dheensa, said, “Include Me TOO has proven to be a strong medium for the disabled equality debate. It has been a process for disabled children, young people and their families, to educate their peers and communities by empowering them as individuals and groups of children to take their equal place in society. The issue of disability needs to be tackled through increased awareness, understanding, inclusion, acceptance and community support. Let us support this to be a reality together and celebrate the Inspiring journey’s and achievement at the first Include Me TOO National Community Inspiration Awards 2014.”


Nominations for the 2014 Include Me TOO National Community Inspiration Awards are now open with deadline being 16th July 2014. To nominate an individual visit:



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