Orders Served on Violent Criminals in Bradford


Will Prevent them from Association Together

Injunctions to prevent known criminals from associating with each other have been served against seven men from Bradford District.


Four of the men, who are all believed to have been involved or have links to organised violent crime in the area, have received full orders, while three more are on temporary orders, with full orders being sought later in the year.


The injunctions are similar to those in force in the Keighley area, where police used legislation under the Policing and Crime Act 2009 to prevent 12 known criminals from associating with each other and restrict their movements. Those who breach the terms of their order will be brought back to court for further action, which could be a custodial sentence.


Bradford District Chief Superintendent Simon Atkin, said: “We hope that these injunctions wlll send out a message that those who involve themselves in violent crime can expect to face serious consequences.


“Incidents of disorder in Bradford District will not be tolerated, and we will use every means possible to target those who bring fear and intimidation into our communities. If these men breach their orders they will be arrested and will face further court action.”


Coun Imran Hussain, Deputy Leader of Bradford Council, said: “We work closely with the Police to maintain community safety and welcome the serving of these injunctions. The behaviour of individuals who threaten violence or cause disorder in communities will not be tolerated.”


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