Motorist charged over traffic warden hammer attack


The 26-year-old Arafat Akhtar arrested

A motorist has been charged with attacking a traffic warden with a hammer in a row over a parking ticket.


Arafat Akhtar, from Lea Road in Sparkhill, is accused of assaulting the enforcement officer as he attempted to issue the Honda Civic driver a ticket in Great Hampton Street, Hockley, on Tuesday afternoon (Dec 17).


The 26-year-old was arrested by West Midlands Police officers at 6.40pm on Tuesday and, after questioning, was charged with possessing an offensive weapon in public and assault occasioning actual bodily harm.


He has been conditionally bailed to appear at Birmingham Magistrates Court on January 8; as part of his bail conditions he must live and sleep at his home address, report to a police station three times a week, and not enter Great Hampton Street.


The 46-year-old traffic warden required hospital treatment for a head injury.


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