“For My Unconquerable Soul”


The Asian Today Pay’s Tribute to Nelson Mandela

A man who fought for freedom and justice. A militant commander, a prisoner and a president. A freedom fighter that fought against the apartheid government; a long but successful struggle to liberate the Black South African population.


With a world watching Nelson Mandela, dubbed the Father of the Nation, founded the ANC’s Youth Movement and gave the nation hope; a move which saw him called a terrorist and jailed for life.


With his fierce dignity and a tireless struggle for freedom, he spent 27 years on the notorious Robben Island Prison. It was this act which saw the people of South Africa unite in calling for the release of Prisoner 46664. Using his own experiences he fought for the justice of other South African’s, while sacrificing his own freedom. He transformed South Africa and in doing so touched us all.


He taught us to unite in our struggles and believe in the notion of freedom. From his life we take peace and accept that above all humanity and humour will prevail; and as Madiba once said, “The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”    


The Asian Today would like to take this opportunity to pay our respect to Nelson Mandela. Our deepest sympathies go out to his family and the people of South Africa.


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