Youth Council Celebrates


Award Was Presented at the House of Commons

Young people from Wolverhampton’s Youth Council are celebrating after being presented with national awards at a House of Commons parliamentary reception.


City teenagers Rashae Johnson aged 17, Summaya Shaikh 16, Miranda Roberts 16, Emma Curran 14 & Elizabeth Williams 12 all received the national ‘Youth Voice Award’, which recognises the work that young people undertake as representatives within their local communities. 


In order to win the award, the young people had to put together a log book demonstrating the work they do as youth representatives. They are supported in their application by staff from the city’s youth service.


The latest winners join the 19 young people from Wolverhampton who have previously been presented with the Youth Voice Award.


The awards were presented at the British Youth Council’s annual parliamentary reception which is a celebration of the hard work that young people across the country make to their local communities and to the success of the BYC on a national platform.


Wolverhampton City Youth Council has been an active member of BYC for 10 years.


The reception was hosted by Sir Peter Bottomley MP and guest speakers included Jenny Willotts MP and Nick Hurd MP.


Wolverhampton’s three MPs – Pat McFadden, Emma Reynolds and Paul Uppal -were present to see Wolverhampton’s young representatives honoured on a national stage.


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