This is in addition to help with obtaining travel documentation, purchasing flight tickets and domestic transportation in this country and the country of return. The Reintegration Assistance package is designed to assist with business set-ups, vocational training and education. The programme is co-funded by the European Union and the UKBA.
For anyone who applies, or has already applied for a voluntary return, and departs before 31st March 2010 the amount of Reintegration Assistance available in cash at Heathrow airport will be £1000 rather than the normal £500.
Reintegration assistance is largely given in kind, not cash. However, people who leave the country under the VARRP programme by 31st March 2010 will receive a larger cash relocation grant. The remainder of their assistance will be disbursed to pay for the reintegration activity agreed, as is normal practice, following discussions between individual returnees and IOM field officers, to ensure that the money is targeted in a way which best contributes to a sustainable return.
Who are IOM?
IOM is the world’s leading migration agency. Since its foundation in 1951 it has helped over 13 million migrants, in the belief that migration – if dignified, orderly and voluntary – is of benefit to the individuals concerned and society as a whole.
Since 1999 IOM UK has assisted more than 30,000 people to return to some 140 countries.
IOM UK runs two voluntary return programmes: one is for anyone who has been in the asylum system at any stage – applying, appealing, refused – (VARRP); another for irregular migrants – who have overstayed their visas or have been smuggled or trafficked into the country (AVRIM).
Under both programmes IOM arranges flights and onward transportation to the home doorstep but under the scheme for asylum seekers IOM also delivers Reintegration Assistance in the country of return. Apart from a relocation grant given to each individual returnee at the airport of departure this assistance is not delivered in cash but in kind according to an ‘IRP’ (Individual Return Plan) tailored to meet the needs of each returnee. Targeted payments can be made towards a range of things including: payment of fees for vocational training courses at colleges, for higher education, or for children’s schooling; a three month salary supplement for a job placement; short-term accommodation; an extra baggage allowance; or to help buy equipment and supplies to set up a small business. The aim of this assistance is to contribute to a more ‘sustainable return.’
IOM UK’s main office is in London with staff who, between them, speak over 30 different languages.
No appointment is necessary to visit this office 10am-1pm and 2pm-4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
We also have branch offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool and Manchester. All enquiries to IOM are treated confidentially and there is no need for anyone to give their name in order to receive free advice.
For more information call IOM free on: 0800 783 2332
London & South East
21 Westminster Palace Gardens, Artillery Row, London, SW1P 1RR. Tel: 020 7233 0001
38 Queen Street, Glasgow,G1 3DX. Tel: 0141 548 8116
Wales & South West
Park House Business Centre, 10 Park Street, Bristol, BS1 5HX. Tel: 0117 907 4777
North West
Regus Reception, 5th Floor, Horton House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool, L2 3PF. Tel: 0151 244 5641
Piccadilly House, 49 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2AP. Tel: 0161 212 1463
North East
100 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4LT. Tel: 0113 346 6010
eOffice, Ground Floor, Norfolk House, Smallbrook Queensway, Birmingham B5 4LJ. Tel: 0121 633 5074
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