Muslim frustration over Visa delay

BRITISH Muslim families planning the Umrah pilgrim later this month may be forced to miss out due to delays in issuing visas, a Birmingham charity has warned.

Thousands of British Muslims perform the Umrah pilgrim to Saudi Arabia each year.

This year the pilgrim is expected to take place during Easter.

But a delay by the Embassy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in London in issuing visas has left many families frustrated.

The Association of British Hujjaj (Pilgrims) UK, urged the embassy to speed up the process.

Khalid Pervez, General Secretary of the Association of British Hujjaj, said: “This is a dilemma which the British Muslim community is facing almost every year. We have already raised this issue with the Embassy of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in London and also strongly urge the Ministry of Hajj to be more sympathetic and considerate towards the British Muslim community by allowing them to perform Umrah during this specific holiday period”.


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