Attack at Leicester Mosque

POLICE have appealed for witnesses to come forward after an attack on a Mosque in Leicester.

A window was smashed at the Kings Street Mosque on Sunday 12 August. Just hours earlier a group of people shouted abuse in the direction of the Mosque, police said.

Officers investigating the incident said they were exploring the possibility that the two events were linked.

PC Sanjeet Bilan from Loughborough local policing unit said: “It may be that these two incidents are completely unrelated, however, both are being treated as crimes and therefore we would appeal to anyone who witnessed either incident to please get in touch.

“Leicestershire Constabulary has a firm stance on racially motivated crime. It will not be tolerated. Everyone has the right to practice their religion or go about their daily business without fear of abuse.

“We’re appealing to anyone who witnessed either incident to please get in touch. Did you see the group of people outside the Mosque? Do you know who they were? One of them is said to have been wearing a red football top.

“Do you have any information as to how the window got smashed? If so please get in touch.”

Officers have made house to house enquiries and are exploring the possibility of CCTV evidence.

They also stressed that while incidents of this nature are still very rare, anybody who feels they have been a victim of racially motivated crime should get in touch with the police.

Anyone with any information about either incident is asked to contact PC 2234 Sanjeet Bilan from Loughborough LPU on Leicester (0116) 222 2222


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