Community Hub Officials Appeal For Calm


Vandals Placed Pig Heads Outside Solihull Community Hub and Smashed Windows

Owners of Solihull Community Hub have appealed for calm following an incident in which the heads of four pigs were left outside the building, which also had its windows smashed.

The attacks on the community centre in Hermitage Road, which opened in April of last year with permission to function as a conference and training centre, are considered to be related to the allegations that the venue was being used as an authorised mosque.

The alleged breaches of planning consent of the building are currently under investigation by the Solihull Council.

A spokesman for the centre said: “Solihull Community Hub offers conference rooms and meeting spaces for companies, charities and local community groups.

“We are proud of our association with the people of Solihull and are saddened that following these rumours the building was vandalised on Sunday.

“We are asking for the area to remain calm and are in discussions with Solihull Council, who have visited the site and we trust this will draw this matter to a close.”

The spokesman also stated plans for an upcoming charity open day to allow local residents an opportunity to visit and view the facilities on offer at the community hub, which include meeting spaces, state-of-the-art audio visual systems and multi-faith prayer rooms.

In response to the incident, Solihull Council leader Bob Sleigh said: “I know Solihull to be a tolerant and respectful community.

“The actions of some individuals around the Solihull Community Hub are not reflective of the borough I know.

“The council will continue to work with the owners of the building, the Police and the local community to monitor its use and to ensure that all parties have the chance to be listened to and to express their views in a constructive manner.

“We wholeheartedly reject any efforts by outside groups to come into our borough and attempt to create strife, division and undermine our community’s cohesion.”

West Midlands Police have revealed that the culprits were caught in the act by CCTV cameras.


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