Aiming to Gain Full Disclosure on Operation Blue Star

Sikhs across Leicester have campaigned at the House of Commons aiming to gain full disclosure in to the allegations that the British military were involved in the deaths of individuals at the 1984 raid on the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
An estimated 200 people from around the country attended the campaign, which saw them lobby Politicians for an independent inquiry in to the claims made by a number of reports about British military officials. Certain reports suggested that the British military had helped to create a plan that outlined an attack on the Golden Temple, which is seen as the heart of the religion.
This statement has since been rejected by a leading Indian military leader stating that “There was no British involvement in planning the raid.”
Members of Parliament from across Leicestershire agreed to meet with the group to talk and promised to support their campaign. Leicestershire Sikh Alliance said that they had met with MPs Liz Kendall, Keith Vaz, and Sir Edward Garnier.
Leicestershire Sikh Alliance’s Raj Mann said, “We were particularly impressed with the local MPs. “We had a good chance to put our point of view across to them about the need for a full and independent inquiry. “Sikhs and non-Sikhs have called for an inquiry into what happened and now MPs have given us their support. It shows the importance of engaging with our elected representatives.”
Sikh groups have always insisted that thousands of people died when the temple was stormed; however, the Indian Government have always maintained that around 400 people died.
In a letter to Prime Minister, the Sikh Council UK urged David Cameron to set up an independent inquiry. The letter stated, “These revelations are particularly sensitive as the Sikh community is this year commemorating the 30th anniversary of the events of 1984. We are also proudly commemorating the 100th anniversary of Sikh involvement and sacrifices in World War I. As proud and loyal British Sikhs, these revelations are a matter of great offense.”
Speaking at the meeting, MP Paul Uppal said that he wanted to keep politics out of this debate and wanted to keep focus on the bigger issue. “My name is Paul Uppal but my full name is Paul Singh Uppal and I never forget that. This issue is for us as a community and as an MP, all I can do is to speak as honestly as I can. All I am saying is just what I know to be the truth. As long as I do that, I will sleep well tonight and be able to look my fathers and my grandfathers in the eye.”