Indefinite Detention for Knife Attack


Mohammed Hafiz, 50, attacked relative with knife before running him over in car

A PARANOID schizophrenic who launched a brutal knife attack on a relative and then tried to run him over has been detained indefinitely in a secure mental health unit and banned from driving for five years.

Mohammed Hafiz, 50, of Brunel Road, Luton, pleaded guilty to wounding, dangerous driving and possessing a knife at Luton Crown Court on Monday 18 January.

Prosecutor Natalie Carter told the court Hafiz visited his second cousin on 16 May last year and while the victim had his back turned to make a cup of tea, Hafiz launched into a vicious attack. He punched him and cut him with a knife several times while he was on the floor, cutting his arms as he tried to protect his head.

His cousin managed to get out of the house and was shouting for help. He reached Faringdon Road in Luton, but heard a car revving behind him. The car mounted the pavement and knocked him into a wall.

“Passers-by helped him and noted the registration number. One of them said the driver had an extremely aggressive expression on his face and he was certain he had mounted the pavement deliberately,” said the prosecutor.

Police saw Hafiz’s Toyota car in Leagrave High Street two days later and tried to stop it, but he sped off at high speed eventually crashing on a roundabout and ran off.

Officers gave chase and repeatedly warned him they were armed. He was shot with a Taser gun but it did not seem to affect him.

PC Richard French told the court he thought Hafiz was enticing him to shoot him, and was coming towards him, moving his hand as though he was reaching for a concealed weapon.

The officer said he was in fear for his personal safety, but did not fire his weapon, which he ultimately used to strike the defendant with, until he fell and was restrained.

PC French was commended by Judge John Bevan QC for the restraint he showed during the incident, in which Hafiz was brought under control without any shots being fired.

Lewis Power, defending, said Hafiz has been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, tormented that voodoo powers were affecting his life and two psychiatric reports confirm he is suffering from a psychotic illness.

Judge Bevan told the court: “I have no doubt that a Mental Health order is the most appropriate disposal in this case. What you need is treatment without a limit of time.”



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