Documentary will capture dying knowledge of Sikh musical history in India and Pakistan

Wednesday 1st August, London –

More than £13,000 has been raised for an exciting project to collect and immortalise the rich musical history of the Sikh faith.

Kirit Singh and Jasdeep are accomplished practitioners of Gurbani kirtan – Sikh worship through sacred music – who are fundraising for a trip to India and Pakistan where they will undertake vital work in preserving this aspect of Sikh heritage. They will be recording their various trips to produce a documentary on their work. To make the trip happen they need to raise just over £20,000.

Music is at the heart of the Sikh faith. The sacred Sikh scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib, is unique in that it is organised by music with each shabad (verse) being a sonic entity which not only contains a message, but via its musical notation, a route to experiencing the Divine.

Kirit Singh said: ‘With the passing of time, the oral histories of memories of Sikh musical history die with the elder generation. This is one of the richest and most vibrant musical histories of South Asia – it is too precious to lose. Time is running out for us to preserve it.’

The duo have 27 days left to raise the remaining £7,000.  For more information about them and the campaign see the project’s crowdfunding page:

For more information including media requests, please contact


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