Nicki Minaj Revealed to be Quietly Donating to Indian Village


Pop rapper Nicki Minaj surprised fans and critics alike when she posted to Instagram about a small Indian village which she has been secretly donating to.

As it turns out Minaj, 34, has been donating to an unnamed Indian village, via a Pastor, which now boasts a “computer center, tailoring institure, a reading programme and 2 water wells.” In this video she posted along with the message, a man is seen pumping fresh water from a water well whilst surrounded by village people.

The post has since received almost 3 million views, with many praising the Anaconda rapper for her virtuosity and generousness. Although she did not reveal the name of the village, Minaj said she would release more information on her charity work in the future in case her fans wanted to get involved.p

Although it is lesser known, Nicki Minaj (whose real name is Onika Tanya Maraj) is of Indian descent. Her father, Robert Maraj, is of Indo-Trinidadian descent whilst her mother Carol Maraj is of Afro-Trinidadian descent. Maraj is a common bastardised form of Maharaj found among Indian descendants living in the Caribbean.





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