David Cameron Quits as Whitney MP over Backbench ‘Distraction’ Issues

Pic: Hazhk https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en

Former MP David Cameron has announced he is resigning as Conservative MP to Whitney due to concerns he was being a ‘distraction’ to new MP Theresa May by being in the backbenches.

Cameron said the decision came after a very reflective summer and that it had been a ‘great honour’ to be the Whitney MP but said to remain in politics would provide a “big distraction and a big diversion” to the new government. Regarding how he wishes to be remembered, as opposed to being the PM that divided the UK and the EU, Cameron wants to be known for social reforms, strong economies and the modernisation of the Tory party.

May was said to be ‘very understanding’ of his backing down. Others were less generous, with Labour’s Angela Eagle saying Cameron had:

“put his whole country at risk to settle a debate in his own party” through the EU referendum.

“He has now walked away leaving others to clear up the mess.”


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