In Search of Leadership


UK Continues To Power Ahead

Whilst the global market has slowed down and the Eurozone tinkers with uncertainty around Greece, the UK continues to power ahead. With low inflation, interest rates at only 0.5% ( stretching back 5 years ), increasing employment and GDP forecasted to be around 2.5% and record breaking equity markets both in the US and in the UK, means that the picture for the UK economy remains strong.

But of course, this could all change. China has been slowing down for a while and India remains an enigma and with the continuing Russian and Ukraine conflict the UK economy could yet find itself in problem because of external factors.

But there is one final uncertainty which is internal. There is the small issue of the elections taking place in May. Other than issues around corporation tax and personal tax for those earning over £150k, there appears to be little to separate to the two main parties ( save the deficit argument ). But what is of greater interest is the make up of the next government. Whilst Business is largely supportive of remaining in the EU, the predicted coalition will have its own ideas. There is no certainly as to the likely makeup of the next government with all parties potentially being incumbents.

The Business community needs certainty in order to plan and ensure that it local community is gainfully employed and that we continue to celebrate all sectors of business to ensure that the upward trajectory of the UK economy continues. I therefore, look forward to seeing you at the Signature Awards due to take place on the 20th March at Edgbaston Stadium where we will be celebrating the best of business and business professionals from around the UK and more importantly identifying the next set of leaders to ensure that the UK remains a force in the ever increasing global marketplace.


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