

It’s just around the corner, are you ready?

Ramadan is six weeks away and a pre-hand preparation of the self and a spiritual warm up is due in order to be fit enough and work hard to attain the great rejuvenation of the annual holy month. As the blessed month await, many others also prepare for fasting months in advance as they set off to shop and stock up.

As well as a time of reflection for Muslims around the world, many are only too familiar how the last minute Ramadan rush creates a surge of shoppers laying siege to supermarket food aisles. For most of us we’ve already begun to think about our food shopping for Ramadan.

Ms. Bushra Iqbal, an accountant from Hulme said: “I remember laughing when my sister said she buys her essentials for Ramadan a month before it even started. Now this year I am doing the same. I’ve prepared a list for my shopping essentials for Ramadan already. Last year I hadn’t made any preparations and ended up spending more money on food, as I didn’t think about what I needed. This cost me more money.”

Helen Yates, Customer Planning Manager for Asda World Foods said: “Our customers now expect to see big brands at great prices for Ramadan in their Asda stores, and as they are planning early we start our promotions early so that they don’t have to look for them anywhere else.”

This year Asda brings a range of big products at pocket friendly prices. With a choice of Laila Atta 10kg, Shahi Basmati Rice 5kg or KTC Sunflower or Vegetable Oil 5L and Indus Pure Butter Ghee 1kg at £3.97p each, across 150 Asda stores, Asda has all of your Ramadan essentials this year.

So, for your big Ramadan shop head to your nearest Asda for some great offers and the best range of products.


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